Variable choice of actuators.

Bi-directional tightness.

Drop tight shut-off at rated pressure.

Suitable for isolation and control service.

Maintenance free design.

Low operating torque requirement.

Easy installation.

Light weight and smaller volume requirement.

ÖVGW and DVGW approval for potable water.

Pumping stations

Treatment plants



Power stations (cooling water circuits)

Desalination plants

Industrial applications

  1. Body Streamlined design and smooth finish of the body provides minimum resistance to flow.
  2. Disc Streamlined and low profiled disc ensuring higher Cv values. Double offset disc design reduces seal wear and torque.
  3. Sealing System Sealing on seat face is ensured by an endless T profile resilient sealing ring, which is held on the periphery of the disc by a retaining ring. In closed position of disc the resilient sealing ring is pressed against the cone shaped seat face of the body and provide safe sealing in either direction of flow. In opened position of disc, sealing ring is completely unstressed due to the double eccentric disc design. One piece retaining ring prevents sealing ring from rolling out. Sealing ring can be replaced easily at site without dismantling the valve disc and without any special tool requirement.
  4. Shafts Stub shaft design provides small restriction of the passage.
  5. Shaft Connection Positive disc to shaft connection by the help of key.
  6. Bearing System Self lubricating plain bearings reduce shaft friction and operating torque. These bearings keep the disc in center and prevent axial movements.
  7. Shaft Sealing Double O-ring shaft sealing system ensures maintenance free sealing for life span.
  8. Top Flange All butterfly valves are equipped with ISO top flanges for all types of actuator-operator connections.
  9. Lifting Holes and Feet Integral lifting holes provide easy installation and feet ensure strong ground support.
  10. Body Seat Stainless steel weld filled and finished integral body seat ensures a corrosion, erosion resistant seat face.
  11. Coating Fusion bonded epoxy, two pack epoxy, solvent-free epoxy, coal tar epoxy.

1 Body Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
2 Disc Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
3 Retaining ring Steel S235JR
4 Sealing ring EPDM
5 Hex. socket head cap screw Stainless steel A2
6 Shaft – driven end Stainless steel X20Cr13
7 Shaft – free end Stainless steel X20Cr13
8 Key Steel Ck45
9 Hex. socket set screw Stainless steel A2
10 Bearing bush Bronze
11 Bearing bush Bronze
12 Spacer bush Delrin
13 O-ring EPDM
14 Cover – driven end Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
15 Cover – free end Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
16 Hex. free end Stainless steel A2
17 Worm gear unit

Design : En 593 (which replaced BS 5155 and DIN 3354)

Normal Sizes (DN) : DN 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 , 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2400, 2500

Pressure Rates : PN 10, PN 16, PN 25, PN 40, PN 63, CI 50, CI 300

Face to Face : EN 558-1 Series 13 and 14 (which replaced BS 5155 and DIN 3202)

Flange Connection : EN 1092-2

Optional Flange  Connection : ANSI B 16,5, ASME B 16,5 ASME B 16.47 Series A,AWWA C 207, SANS 1123 (South Africa), AS 4087 – AS 2129 (Australia), ISO 7005, BS4504

Temperature Range : According to EN 1074

Works Tests : EN 1074 EN 12266

DN PN L Seri14 L Seri13 L1 L2 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Ød2 h1 h2 h3 GEAR BOX WEIGHT (KG)
150 10 210 140 152 378 151 255 71 134 245 143 136 212 TK1 43
200 10 230 152 180 199 405 177 282 71 134 245 180 136 212 TK1 58
250 10 250 165 220 251 481 214 352 95 158 245 213 163 239 TK2 95
300 10 270 178 280 281 503 237 380 95 158 245 242 163 239 TK2 114
350 10 290 190 320 336 595 283 410 110 175 370 264 184 271 TK3 155
400 10 310 216 335 385 626 297 441 110 175 370 293 184 271 TK3 175
450 10 330 222 380 434 670 333 485 110 198 370 320 285 372 TK3-R D4 220
500 10 350 229 400 474 701 344 516 156 245 370 345 334 420 TK4-R D4 285
600 10 390 267 440 576 749 414 564 156 245 370 400 334 420 TK4-R D4 345
700 10 430 292 540 671 838 511 653 190 313 370 460 397 484 TK5-R D5 530
750 10 450 305 580 710 882 542 697 190 313 370 496 397 484 TK5-R D5 690
800 10 470 318 610 766 855 530 670 190 313 370 520 397 484 TK5-R D5 680
900 10 510 330 670 861 965 618 780 242 365 370 568 432 519 TK6-R D6 915
1000 10 550 410 740 951 1039 650 854 242 365 370 625 432 519 TK6-R D6 1130
1100 10 590 440 750 1053 1022 720 837 242 365 370 695 432 519 TK6-R D6 1570
1200 10 630 470 900 1147 1251 782 1008 290 515 485 738 538 625 TK7-R D7 1965
1300 10 670 988 1248 1301 867 1059 290 515 485 803 538 625 TK7-R D7 2867
1400 10 710 530 1160 1345 1349 917 1101 290 515 485 848 538 625 TK7-R D7 2620
1500 10 750 1080 1435 1411 1015 1168 431 656 485 910 681 768 TK8-R D8 3440
1600 10 790 600 1250 1537 1483 1060 1240 431 656 485 970 681 768 TK8-R D8 3920
1800 10 870 670 1220 1722 1586 1183 1343 431 656 485 1075 681 768 TK8-R D8 4760
2000 10 950 760 1300 1901 1769 1303 1526 431 656 485 1183 681 768 TK8-R D8 6300
2200 10 1030 1500 2085 1906 1420 1603 431 656 605 1285 809 909 TK8-R D8 5 8500
2400 10 1110 1600 2308 2095 1593 1792 519 744 605 1390 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 12900
2500 10 1150 1600 2396 2122 1610 1819 519 744 605 1440 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 13820

DN PN L Seri14 L Seri13 L1 L2 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Ød2 h1 h2 h3 GEAR BOX WEIGHT (KG)
150 16 210 140 152 378 151 255 71 134 245 143 136 212 TK1 43
200 16 230 152 180 199 405 177 282 71 134 245 180 136 212 TK1 58
250 16 250 165 220 251 481 214 352 95 158 245 213 163 239 TK2 95
300 16 270 178 280 281 503 237 380 95 158 245 242 163 239 TK2 114
350 16 290 190 320 336 595 283 410 110 175 370 272 184 271 TK3 160
400 16 310 216 335 385 626 297 441 110 175 370 300 184 271 TK3-R D4 208
450 16 330 222 380 434 670 333 485 110 198 370 330 285 372 TK3-R D4 240
500 16 350 229 400 474 721 344 531 156 245 370 370 334 420 TK4-R D4 325
600 16 390 267 500 576 779 414 594 156 245 370 432 334 420 TK4-R D4 435
700 16 430 292 540 671 838 511 653 190 313 370 467 397 484 TK5-R D5 610
750 16 450 305 580 710 882 542 697 190 313 370 496 397 484 TK5-R D5 707
800 16 470 318 615 766 928 530 743 190 313 370 525 397 484 TK5-R D5 775
900 16 510 330 675 861 1007 618 802 242 365 370 573 432 519 TK6-R D6 1020
1000 16 550 410 740 951 1039 650 854 242 365 370 638 432 519 TK6-R D6 1285
1100 16 590 440 750 1053 1091 720 906 242 365 370 696 432 519 TK6-R D6 1545
1200 16 630 470 900 1147 1251 782 1008 290 515 485 753 538 625 TK7-R D7 2285
1300 16 670 988 1248 1301 867 1059 290 515 485 803 538 625 TK7-R D7 2867
1400 16 710 530 1160 1345 1349 917 1101 290 515 485 848 538 625 TK7-R D7 2870
1500 16 750 1153 1435 1385 986 1142 431 656 485 930 681 768 TK8-R D8 4055
1600 16 790 600 1250 1537 1508 1115 1265 431 656 485 975 681 768 TK8-R D8 4590
1800 16 870 670 1220 1722 1630 1217 1387 431 656 485 1080 681 768 TK8-R D8 5580
2000 16 950 760 1300 1901 1769 1303 1526 431 656 485 1193 681 768 TK8-R D8 8500
2200 16 1030 1500 2085 1975 1460 1672 519 744 605 1290 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 11220
2400 16 1110 1630 2308 2095 1593 1792 519 744 605 1390 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 14650
2500 16 1150 1650 2396 2122 1610 1819 519 744 605 1440 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 16040

DN PN L Seri14 L Seri13 L1 L2 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Ød2 h1 h2 h3 GEAR BOX WEIGHT (KG)
150 25 210 140 152 378 151 255 71 134 245 150 136 212 TK1 48
200 25 230 152 200 199 462 198 339 71 134 245 190 136 212 TK2 66
250 25 250 165 305 251 556 250 371 110 175 370 223 184 271 TK3 160
300 25 270 178 340 281 591 277 406 110 198 370 253 285 372 TK3-R D4 187
350 25 290 190 320 336 619 294 434 110 198 370 288 285 372 TK3-R D4 208
400 25 310 216 375 379 663 342 478 156 245 370 320 334 420 TK4-R D4 289
450 25 330 222 470 427 709 382 524 156 245 370 345 334 420 TK4-R D4 352
500 25 350 229 430 474 745 410 560 190 313 370 375 397 484 TK5-R D5 470
600 25 390 267 530 567 798 461 611 190 313 370 433 397 484 TK5-R D5 690
700 25 430 292 640 663 877 535 682 242 365 370 490 432 519 TK6-R D6 860
750 25 450 305 600 710 907 542 722 242 365 370 526 432 519 TK6-R D6 960
800 25 470 318 575 747 974 590 789 242 365 370 560 432 519 TK6-R D6 1184
900 25 510 330 745 854 1114 685 871 290 515 485 610 538 625 TK7-R D7 1800
1000 25 550 410 760 952 1171 741 928 290 515 485 675 538 625 TK7-R D7 2084
1200 25 630 470 880 1148 1286 824 1043 290 515 485 775 538 625 TK7-R D7 2700
1400 25 710 530 1010 1345 1476 964 1233 431 656 485 888 681 768 TK8-R D8 4210
1600 25 790 600 1210 1543 1603 1110 1300 431 656 605 1000 809 909 TK8-R D8 5 5650
1800 25 870 670 1345 1678 1833 1255 1530 519 744 605 1118 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 9100
2000 25 950 760 1400 1886 1886 1353 1583 519 744 605 1228 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 12300
2500 25 1150 1785 2405 2121 1615 1879 519 744 605 1530 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 17805

DN PN L Seri 14 L1 L2 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 Ød2 h1 h2 h3 GEAR BOX WEIGHT (KG)
150 40 210 152 378 151 255 71 134 245 150 136 212 TK2 55
200 40 230 200 199 462 198 389 71 134 245 198 136 212 TK2 119
250 40 250 305 251 579 250 394 110 175 370 235 184 271 TK3-R D4 180
300 40 270 340 281 610 277 425 110 198 370 268 285 372 TK3-R D4 210
350 40 290 360 336 631 294 446 110 198 370 300 285 372 TK4-R D4 296
400 40 310 380 379 696 342 511 156 245 370 340 334 420 TK4-R D4 360
450 40 330 470 422 716 386 531 190 313 370 353 357 484 TK5-R D5 490
500 40 350 440 467 762 412 577 190 313 370 388 397 484 TK5-R D5 545
600 40 390 530 567 828 461 643 190 313 370 455 397 484 TK5-R D5 740
700 40 430 640 663 877 535 692 242 365 370 508 432 519 TK6-R D6 1079
800 40 470 568 748 1068 592 825 290 515 485 580 538 625 TK7-R D7 1828
900 40 510 745 855 1114 685 871 290 515 485 645 538 625 TK7-R D7 2280
1000 40 550 800 949 1188 725 945 290 515 485 695 538 625 TK7-R D7 2530
1200 40 630 880 1126 1316 883 1073 431 656 485 800 681 768 TK8-R D8 3906
1400 40 710 1110 1314 1536 968 1233 431 656 605 915 809 909 TK8-R D8 5 5340
1600 40 790 1250 1485 1733 1133 1430 519 744 605 1030 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 8820
1800 40 870 1350 1674 1833 1318 1530 519 744 605 1140 898 998 TK10-R D10 5 11480

– Robust design

– Factory set 90° swing angle. Setting of the end stop by traveling nut


– Strong, integrated into the body valve attachment

– Valve attachment according to ISO 5211

– Self locking worm gearing with minimum backlash

– ISO 5210 top flange for mounting of multi-turn actuators

– Mechanical position indicator

– IP 67 enclosure protection (IP 68 optional)

– Anticlockwise closing on request


Part No Description Material
1 Housing Cast iron EN-GJL-250
2 Worm wheel Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-500-7
3 Worm shaft SteelC 40
4 Cover Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
5 Traveling nut Steel 42CrMo4
6 Spur gear Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-600-3
7 Pinion Steel C 40
8 Bearing
9 O-ring NBR
10 Radial seal NBR

Part No Description Material
1 Housing Cast iron EN-GJL-250
2 Worm wheel Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-500-7
3 Worm shaft SteelC 40
4 Cover Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-400-15
5 Traveling nut Steel 42CrMo4
6 Spur gear Ductile cast iron EN-GJS-600-3
7 Pinion Steel C 40
8 Bearing
9 O-ring NBR
10 Radial seal NBR



  • Short body, small volume and light weight
  • Face to face EN 558-1 Series 16
  • Double eccentric design
  • Both seal on disc and seal on body sealing ring arrangements
  • Easy and cost effective maintenance due to replaceable seal ring



DN L e1 e2 e3
100 64 315 140 265
125 70 330 155 265
150 76 350 175 300
200 89 395 211 345
250 114 493 247 425
300 114 508 267 440
350 127 570 315 496
400 140 593 338 525
450 152 625 375 552
500 152 705 412 608
600 178 760 468 672



Part No Description Material
1 Body Steel S235JR
2 Disc Steel S235JR
3 Retaining ring Steelk S235JR
4 Sealing ring EPDM
5 Hex. socket head cap screw Stainless steel A2
6 Body seat Stainless steel X5CrNi18-10
7 Shaft – driven end Stainless steel X20Cr13
8 Shaft – free end Stainless steel X20Cr13
9 Pin Stainless steel X20Cr13
10 Bearing bush PTFE/Steel
11 O-ring EPDM
12 Cover-driven end Steel S235JR
13 Cover – free end Steel S235JR
14 Hex. bolt Stainless steel A2
15 Adapter Steel S235JR



  • Short body, small volume and light weight
  • Face to face EN 558-1 Series 16
  • Double eccentric design
  • Both seal on disc and seal on body sealing ring arrangements
  • Easy and cost effective maintenance due to replaceable seal ring



DN L e1 e2 e3
100 64 315 140 265
125 70 330 155 265
150 76 350 175 300
200 89 395 211 345
250 114 493 247 425
300 114 508 267 440
350 127 570 315 496
400 140 593 338 525
450 152 625 375 552
500 152 705 412 608
600 178 760 468 672

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