Contact Us
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Opening hours
Monday 0830 -1700
Tuesday 0830 -1700
Wednesday 0830 -1700
Thursday 0830 -1700
Friday 0830 -1700
Emergency call-out available 24/7, 365 days a year
Sales team
01282 778030 .wrap-icon .box-icon span{line-height:30px;font-size:30px;width:30px;height:30px;color:#343538}#la_icon_boxes_67b543f1bf9e6.icon-type-normal:hover .wrap-icon .box-icon span{color:#343538}
R2M Ltd, Unit 6 Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Altham, ACCRINGTON, Lancashire BB5 5TU
Data collection and usage complies with the Data Protection Act of 1998
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