R2M’s Innovation Roadshow’s 2019 will start at South West Water Mon 4th March.

The 1st of 10 R2M’s Innovation Roadshow’s 2019 will start at South West Water Mon 4th March. There will then follow 2 weeks of Innovation and Product Awareness sessions aimed at R&M  covering the route below. We will issue updates where the Roadshow will be next every day. Water companies and Alliance partners will be able to fully embrace Innovation from R2M such as Molecor, Connector Clamps, Hawle System 2000, Hawle Saddles. Nova Siria Encapsulation collars & Wide Range End Restraint Fittings inc the EZ Valve for Live Valve Insertion. 💦

#R2M #Hawle #NovaSiria #Molecor #AVTEZValve #ConectorClamp

#Innovation #MinimiseMinutesLost #ALWAYSON


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